2010 LAMS Sydney Conference: Sharing Great Ideas

Workshop - LAMS Technical


Date: Friday, 10th December, 2010

Length of workshop



$400 + $40 GST = $440


Macquarie University, North Ryde (Sydney, Australia)

Intended audience

This workshop is designed for technical staff that want to build LAMS or extend its capabilities. It's also for system administrators that require LAMS fine tuning. Note: participants must bring their own laptop if they inted to do development.

Maximum number of participants

10 participants

Workshop description and aims

The overall aim of the workshop is to give the enough sufficient tools and information to understand the LAMS architecture. We will cover LAMS installation, integrations, LAMS Tool Contract, Tool development. Also opportunity to customise and fine tune LAMS according to the users' needs.

Outcomes for participants

During the workshop participants will:

  • Install LAMS using its installers
  • Build LAMS from source
  • Understand the LAMS architecture and tool contract
  • Understand integrations with LMS or CMS
  • Explore tool development
  • Explore various aspects of LAMS fine tuning


Good understanding of web application development. A laptop to use for setting up and installing LAMS.


Updated Tuesday, March 8, 2011



6th - 8th December 2006, Sydney Australia